In a down-to-the-wire move Monday, the New Hampshire Legislative Fiscal Committee approved an emergency re-budgeting, securing the needed funding to keep poison center services for the state for one more year.
This means that as of July 1, people in New Hampshire will still have a place to turn to for help if they are poisoned.
We’d like to thank the many who wrote letters or made phone calls to show their support for poison center funding!
Despite the good news, it is important to note that this funding is only for July 2012 through June 2013, and is not intended to be a permanent source. New Hampshire will need to find stable state funding to continue services.
How can you help?
Sign up for our newsletter NNEPC News to keep up to date on the status of funding for the following year, and if there are any actions your can take to show your support.
Interested in being a poison center champion? We’re looking for your stories about using the poison center and what it’s meant to you. Email me at