Author Archives: Colin

Poison Perils with Frank & Louise: Beetle Battles

It was Saturday morning in the Wilmot house and Frank and Louise were enjoying their coffee on the back patio. Louise was flipping through photos of weed-free flower beds in … Continue reading

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Poison Perils with Frank & Louise: Frank’s Snacking Snafu

Meet Frank and Louise Wilmot Frank, 75, is a retired engineer who enjoys gardening, fishing, and shouting at the television. Louise, 68, is a retired middle school teacher who likes … Continue reading

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Poison Perils with Frank & Louise: A Meal to Remember

Meet Frank and Louise Wilmot Frank, 75, is a retired engineer who enjoys gardening, fishing, and shouting at the television. Louise, 68, is a retired middle school teacher who likes … Continue reading

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Introducing Poison Perils with Frank & Louise

Meet Frank and Louise Wilmot Frank, 74, is a retired engineer who enjoys gardening, fishing, and shouting at the television. Louise, 68, is a retired middle school teacher who likes … Continue reading

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Is melatonin poisonous?

A recent study raised alarms about the increasing number of calls to poison centers across the country about children and teens who took too much melatonin, or took melatonin not … Continue reading

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Poison Center Pointers: Spring Cleaning

Chris and Carolyn from the Poison Help Line sat down during National Poison Prevention Week to discuss some potential hazards from using cleaning products in your home, including ways both … Continue reading

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Medication errors up during pandemic

Over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, the NNEPC has seen a significant increase in medication errors among adults. These potential poisonings are occurring in every age group, from young … Continue reading

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Poison Center Pointers: Carbon monoxide ft. Dr. Mark Neavyn

NNEPC Medical Director Dr. Mark Neavyn joins our host, Chris, for a discussion of carbon monoxide. What makes this poisonous gas so dangerous? Where does carbon monoxide come from and … Continue reading

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Poison Center Pointers: Preparing for Winter

Our panel of poison experts takes a look in the garage (and beyond) to uncover common winter poisons, such as antifreeze, ice melt and carbon monoxide. TRANSCRIPT Disclaimer: Poison Center … Continue reading

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Poison Center Pointers: Childhood Poisonings

TRANSCRIPT Disclaimer: Poison Center Pointers is brought to you by the Northern New England Poison Center. This podcast is not to replace timely advice or recommendations. If you have an actual … Continue reading

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Poison Center Pointers: Ivermectin

Experts from the NNEPC poison help line address ivermectin, the drug that’s been in the news quite a bit lately, in this month’s episode of our Poison Center Pointers podcast. … Continue reading

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Answering questions about ivermectin

What is ivermectin? Ivermectin has been in the news quite a bit lately, but what exactly is it? Ivermectin is a drug that is used to treat infections from parasites. … Continue reading

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