Category Archives: Substance Abuse

NNEPC Sets Up Central Location for Information on NH Funding Crisis

The NNEPC established a webpage- to give concerned NH residents a place to go to get the latest information on the situation. If nothing changes, in 51 days poison … Continue reading

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Hand sanitizer: Good for public health, bad for drinking

Hand sanitizers are in the news this week following this Los Angeles Times report about teenagers showing up in emergency departments after drinking hand sanitizer. Most hand sanitizers are alcohol-based, … Continue reading

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How worried should parents be about helium?

In February, a 14-year-old Oregon girl died shortly after inhaling helium at a drinking party. Parents already have so many things to worry about—do they have to worry about helium, … Continue reading

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How bath salts can be bad for your health

What exactly are bath salts? The NNEPC has received a lot of calls recently about young adults abusing new designer drugs that have been called “bath salts.”  These are not … Continue reading

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